How to Choose the Right Massage Therapy School: Program Length (Part 2 of 4)

pexels-photo-28764In Part I of this series, we went over the most important factors to consider when choosing a massage therapy school. One of the items we touched upon is program length, which we will now go over in more detail. 

State by State
Licensure requirements vary by state. Many massage therapy schools use state requirements as strict guidelines when designing their programs, but some schools choose to provide a more comprehensive education and go beyond the minimum required by the state. 

For example, to be eligible for state licensure, the State of Maryland requires that you complete 600 hours in a board-certified massage therapy school program.

Central Maryland School of Massage Director of Admissions, Alyssa Robbin, says the programs at CMSM provide 750 hours of massage therapy training so that students receive a more well-rounded education. 

While state licensure requirements play a factor in the amount of time it takes to complete massage therapy school, another determining factor is whether or not a school offers full and part-time programs.

Part-Time and Full-Time
Some massage therapy schools offer part-time and full-time programs, which may include daytime, evening, and even weekend schedules. 

We offer 24-week, full-time; or 45-week, part-time training programs several times a year at each campus,” explains Joseph Rongo, co-director of ASIS (Arizona School for Integrative Studies) Massage Education. “All ASIS daytime trainings are offered as full-time, whereas the evening programs are considered part-time.”

Director of Admissions for Finger Lakes School of Massage, Jessica English, says that FLSM has three program options: “An intensive seven-month program; a half-day program that lasts 13 months, with either a morning or evening schedule; and a 21-month, weekend-based program.”

Central Maryland School of Massage also offers both full and part-time programs. “Our full-time track is 7 months, with weekday classes, says Robbin. “We also offer a part-time track, with weekend classes, that takes only 14 months.”

The amount of time it takes to complete massage therapy school varies from state to state and school to school. Make sure the schools you are considering offer programs that fit your schedule.

For more tips on choosing the right massage therapy school, read Part 3 of this series, which explains what accreditation means and why it matters. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.